• What kind of church is this? What denomination?

    We are part of a movement called the Independent Christian Churches. We do not have a denomination that we pay dues to or a denominational head that oversees us. Yet we do belong to a tribe, or network, of churches with thousands of other like-minded churches around the world.

  • Why would someone leave their church to come to your church?

    Our primary target audience for our church plant are those that do not go to church anywhere. We want to be a church for the unchurched, de-churched, and those who have never gone to church. Our second target audience are those who are recent transplants to the Naples area and who have not yet found a church. We do not intend to or desire to draw people from other existing churches to transfer membership to our church.

  • What do you believe about baptism?

    We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection. The normative response to that gift of grace is to repent, confess, believe, get baptized, and follow Jesus. We believe that baptism is a decision an older child (8ish-12), teenager, or adult makes on their own to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. The mode of baptism we believe is full body immersion as displayed in the New Testament.

  • What do you believe about communion?

    We believe communion is part of the core devotion of the early church’s gatherings (Acts 2.42). We also believe the model practiced in the New Testament and the early church tradition was at least at the weekly worship gathering. We believe that communion is reserved for confessing Christians, should be taken with both the bread and the cup, and that it is a sacred practice to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection.

  • What do you believe about Gay Marriage?

    We are an “open, non-affirming church”. “Open” means that we are hospitable and welcoming of anyone and everyone, no matter their past or current circumstances or lifestyles. “Non-Affirming” means we adhere to a Biblical definition of marriage being between one biological male and female for life.

  • What do you believe about abortion?

    We believe that life begins at conception and goes all of the way to the grave. We believe every life is made in the image of God, is worth protecting and saving. We also believe it is the church’s responsibility to ensure that every unwanted baby has a home and a family that is willing to bring them into their homes and adopt them/care for them as one of their own. Not every family is called to this, but every church should help teach and call people to consider this as a potential call on their lives.

  • Does your church support a certain political party?

    We believe that all political parties are man-made, have good to offer society, yet can also cause harm. We will get engaged in political activity when it comes to issues of Biblical justice as seen in the whole counsel of God.

  • How do you all get paid? Where does your money come from?

    We are supported by external sources from around the country of both existing churches, individuals, and church planting organizations who all want to see a new church in NE Naples. These entities are giving anywhere from a one time gift, to a monthly gift over five years, giving us a runway to subsidize our expenses until we have enough internal offerings and donors from the church to cover all of our expenses by 2028.

  • What accountability does your church have with budgets, spending, etc?

    Our Lead Pastor is accountable to a governing board made up of partner churches from around the county. While the Lead Pastor is a member of that board, the board still has ultimate authority over his employment, performance, and fiscal practices.

  • What will your worship services be like?

    A typical worship service will be around one hour in length, will have contemporary worship music, will practice communion, take up an offering, have someone deliver a 25-35 minute teaching/sermon, and will offer opportunities for decisions, prayer, and time to connect with others relationally. It is an informal environment with a party atmosphere.

  • Is there a certain dress code expected?

    There will be no dress code implemented or expected for those attending the service. Come in your work clothes, play clothes, or whatever clothes you can get your hands on. But like most public places, shirt and shoes are required. If you do not have a shirt or shoes, let us know and we will provide them for you.

Any other questions? Shoot us a message and we will get back to ya!

Call or text: (239)329-0374

Email: info@gathernaples.com