Discipleship Tool Box
Resources to equip you and others in your discipleship journey
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We really don’t want you to do this alone. We would love to help guide you along your journey. Sign up here to get connected and more info:
Until you connect with someone, here are the best resources to start using right now:
Study: Alpha
Habit Resource: YouVersion App, Daily Refresh
Book: Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life
Sermon Podcast: Jud Wilhite, Central Church
Disciple Maker? Start Here.
According to Matthew 28, Jesus tells us that the mission of every follower of Jesus is to make disciples. This seems like a daunting task, so most of the time we shy away from it in exchange for become attenders of events put on by the professional Christians, i.e. pastors, instead of making disciples. Yet this is not how things were supposed to be. In Ephesians 4, Paul says that God gives the church Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to EQUIP God’s people for the work he has called them to. That is what this Discipleship Toolbox is all about. The toolbox is designed to equip you with resources and a philosophy that empowers you to make other disciples of Jesus.
Small Circle App: “Next Course”
Fully Alive App: “Course 1: Live Fully Alive”
Fully Alive App: “Develop Your Calling (Find Your Place)”
Grace Study: Email info@gathernaples.com for more information
YouVersion App: Complete the “Daily Refresh”
Bible Project App: “How to Read the Bible Series”
Bible Project App: “Biblical Themes”
Daily Prayer App
John Ortberg-Who is This Man?
CS Lewis-Mere Christianity
James Emery White: Christianity for People who Aren’t Christians
Max Lucado-Grace
Phillip Yancey-What’s So Amazing about Grace
Rusty George-A Simple Path to Following Jesus
Rick Warren-Purpose Driven Life
Rob Wegner-Find Your Place
Small Circle App: “XChange Zero-Three”
Small Circle App: “God; Church; World; Home”
The Mandate (Multiply): Email info@gathernaples.com for details
The Heart (Transformation): Email info@gathernaples.com for details
The Objective (All Nations): Email info@gathernaples.com for details
Lectio 365 App
Unreached of the Day App
Bible Project: “Book Collections”
Bible Project: “Explore by Book”
Rule of Life Podcast
Disciples Made Podcast
KC Underground Podcast
Seamless- Angie Smith (Book and watch corresponding videos on YouTube)
Tim Keller-The Reason for God
Lee Strobel-The Case for Christ
Skye Jethani-With
John Ortberg-The Life you always wanted
Dietrich Bonhoeffer-Life Together
Mike Breen-Family on Mission
Jeff Vanderstelt-Gospel Fluency
Dave Ferguson-Exponential
Dave Ferguson-B.L.E.S.S.
Discipleship Manual Study: Email info@gathernaples.com for more information
Fully Alive App: “Followers Made”
Fully Alive App: “Missionaries Made”
Fully Alive App: “Leaders Made”
The Disciple Makers Podcast
Strengthening the soul of your leadership Podcast
BEMA Discipleship Podcast
The Saturate Podcast
Bible Project App: Podcasts
Unapologetic: Why, despite everything, Christianity can still make surprising emotional sense by Francis Spufford
Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig
J.D. Lyonhart-Monothreeism
Dallas Willard-The Spirit of the Disciplines
Rich Villados-The Deeply Formed Life
Hugh Halter-Flesh
John Mark Comer-The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
Greig-Red Moon Rising
Family Resources:
Lectio for Families
The Bible App for Kids
The Action Bible- The Action Bible: God's Redemptive Story (Action Bible Series): Cariello, Sergio: 9780830777440: Amazon.com: Books
Habits of the Household-Justin Whitmel Earley
The Gospel Centered Parent by Rose Marie Miller
Parenting by Paul David Tripp
Marriage Resources:
Rethinking Sexuality by Julie Slattery
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
Practicing Affirmation by Crabtree
The five love languages by Gary Chapman
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
Watch this short video to understand what the toolbox is, how it works, and where to start.
Recommended Sermon Podcasts:
Tim Keller
Ted Max-Parkview Church
Craig Groeschel- Life Church
Kyle Idleman- Southeast Christian Church
Gene Appel- East Side Christian Church
Ashley Wooldridge- Christ Church of the Valley
Andy Stanley- Northpoint Community Church
Jordan Rice- Renaissance Church
Andrew Wilson- King’s Church
Matt Chandler- The Village Church
Jon Weece- Southland Church
Jud Wilhite- Central Church